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5 Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement


Struggling to grow your Facebook engagement but don’t have the budget for boosted posts or ads? Facebook likes it when you spend money, we know that, but there’s a whole host of things you can do to boost your engagement organically too.

Use imagery

Posts that include a photo tend to see far higher engagement rates than those without. Data shows that people scrolling Facebook on a mobile device take just 1.7 seconds to consume one piece of content, so make sure your images are eye-catching and relevant!

Use Video

Video content performs even better than images on Facebook. Make sure to capture your followers attention from the offset and ensure your video content isn’t too long; one to two minutes is all you should need. Thinking of going live? Live video receives six times more interactions than regular video posts. Just be sure to check your internet connection before you start!


Create Conversation

If you want your followers to engage with your posts, then get them involved. Asking your audience insightful and relevant questions can encourage not only comments on your posts, but conversations amongst others in the comments. Whether you’re asking their weekend plans, for feedback on your latest collection, or their thoughts on some topical news – people love to have an opinion!

Give Something Back

Competitions and giveaways are a great way to get people engaged, but also a nice way to give something back to your followers. Offering a prize for two people and encouraging followers to tag a friend will bring more people to your post. Just make sure you’ve got some T&Cs, are clear about the prize and are following Facebook’s competition guidelines.

Check Your Timing

Are you posting at the right times for your audience? It’s easy to post during the day whilst at your desk, but a little peek into Facebook Insights and you can see when your followers are actually online.

Here at South Coast Social, we love to come up with creative ideas for our clients. If you could do with a helping hand, don’t hesitate to get in touch!